California’s Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEEHRA)

Statewide Rebate

Statewide Rebate

Save $7,500-$8,000 - HEEHRA Rebate - Multifamily Heat Pump HVAC

Rebate offers and eligibility subject to change. Contact your Contractor/ Incentive Provider for the most up to date rebate information.

HEEHRA rebate











  1. Only available to multifamily properties.
  2. Contractor must be TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
  3. No new construction, retrofits only.
  4. Equipment must be ENERGY STAR® certified. Link to Qualified Products List(QPL). Only 2-stage or variable capacity systems are eligible.
  5. No new dual fuel installations will be eligible.


  • Heat Pump for Space Heating or Cooling - Two Speed (HP HVAC) - $7,500
  • Heat Pump for Space Heating or Cooling - Variable Speed (HP HVAC) - $8,000

    Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for:
  • Owners of multifamily properties in California, which include five or more residential units and house income-qualified customers.
  • Governmental, commercial, or nonprofit organizations carrying out a project for an owner of an eligible multifamily property.
  • Low-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤80 percent AMI and:
    • at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
    • at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
  • Moderate-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤150 percent AMI. The moderate-income multifamily properties must be in a Senate Bill 535 disadvantaged community (DAC) and either:
    • at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
    • at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.

      HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.


  1. Whole of CA

For more information, please visit

For Layering, all programs:

Stackable with other federal programs for the same project but only one federal rebate per piece of equipment or appliance. Total cost of project not to be exceeded by rebates. More details for HOMES when that program is announced.