- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $4,000 to $8,000 - HEEHRA Rebate - Single Family Heat Pump HVAC
- Customer must meet income threshold: Confirm you are income-qualified for HEEHRA.
- Work must be performed by contractor that is TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
- Project must be a non-heat pump to heat pump installation.
- No new construction, retrofits only.
- Equipment must be ENERGY STAR® certified. Link to Qualified Products List (QPL). Only 2-stage or variable capacity systems are eligible.
- No new dual fuel installations will be eligible.
- Less than 80% Area Median Income (AMI) - $8,000 per unit (Rebate not to exceed 100% of qualified product costs).
- 80-150% AMI - $4,000 per unit (Rebate not to exceed 50% of qualified product costs).
* A $200 installer incentive is added to the rebate total for low-income single-family heat pump (HVAC) installation only, once approved. One incentive per household. Please note that it will not be subject to project cost capping.
* Limit of 1 unit per household.
* Budget is available by county of installation. See the "Other Criteria" tab for more information.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $4,000 - HEEHRA Rebate - Multifamily Electric Load Service Center
- Only available to multifamily properties.
- Contractor must be TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
- No new construction, retrofits only.
- ENERGY STAR® certifications do not exist for electric load service centers. Alternate product eligibility criteria will be provided.
- Panel Upgrade = $4,000
Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for:
- Owners of multifamily properties in California, which include five or more residential units and house income-qualified customers.
- Governmental, commercial, or nonprofit organizations carrying out a project for an owner of an eligible multifamily property.
- Low-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤80 percent AMI and:
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Moderate-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤150 percent AMI. The moderate-income multifamily properties must be in a Senate Bill 535 disadvantaged community (DAC) and either:
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $840 - HEEHRA Rebate - Multifamily Electric Stove, Cooktop, Range, or Oven
- Only available to multifamily properties.
- Contractor must be TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
- No new construction, retrofits only.
- Equipment must be ENERGY STAR® certified.
Incentives- Electric Stove, Cooktop (installed, not portable), Range, or Oven = $840.
Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for:
- Owners of multifamily properties in California, which include five or more residential units and house income-qualified customers.
- Governmental, commercial, or nonprofit organizations carrying out a project for an owner of an eligible multifamily property.
- Low-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤80 percent AMI and:
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Moderate-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤150 percent AMI. The moderate-income multifamily properties must be in a Senate Bill 535 disadvantaged community (DAC) and either:
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $2,500 - HEEHRA Rebate - Multifamily Electric Wiring
- Only available to multifamily properties.
- Contractor must be TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
- No new construction, retrofits only.
- ENERGY STAR® certifications do not exist for electric wiring. Alternate product eligibility criteria will be provided.
Incentives- Wiring = $2,500
Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for:
- Owners of multifamily properties in California, which include five or more residential units and house income-qualified customers.
- Governmental, commercial, or nonprofit organizations carrying out a project for an owner of an eligible multifamily property.
- Low-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤80 percent AMI and:
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Moderate-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤150 percent AMI. The moderate-income multifamily properties must be in a Senate Bill 535 disadvantaged community (DAC) and either:
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $7,500-$8,000 - HEEHRA Rebate - Multifamily Heat Pump HVAC
- Only available to multifamily properties.
- Contractor must be TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
- No new construction, retrofits only.
- Equipment must be ENERGY STAR® certified. Link to Qualified Products List(QPL). Only 2-stage or variable capacity systems are eligible.
- No new dual fuel installations will be eligible.
Incentives- Heat Pump for Space Heating or Cooling - Two Speed (HP HVAC) - $7,500
- Heat Pump for Space Heating or Cooling - Variable Speed (HP HVAC) - $8,000
Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for:
- Owners of multifamily properties in California, which include five or more residential units and house income-qualified customers.
- Governmental, commercial, or nonprofit organizations carrying out a project for an owner of an eligible multifamily property.
- Low-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤80 percent AMI and:
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Moderate-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤150 percent AMI. The moderate-income multifamily properties must be in a Senate Bill 535 disadvantaged community (DAC) and either:
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $700 - $1,750 - HEEHRA Rebate - Multifamily Heat Pump Water Heaters
- Only available to multifamily properties.
- Contractor must be TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
- No new construction, retrofits only.
- Equipment must be ENERGY STAR® certified.^
Incentives- Heat Pump Water Heater (Electric to Electric) = $700.
- In-Unit Heat Pump Water Heater = $1,750.
- Central Heat Pump Water Heater = $1,750 per served unit.
Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for:
- Owners of multifamily properties in California, which include five or more residential units and house income-qualified customers.
- Governmental, commercial, or nonprofit organizations carrying out a project for an owner of an eligible multifamily property.
- Low-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤80 percent AMI and:
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Moderate-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤150 percent AMI. The moderate-income multifamily properties must be in a Senate Bill 535 disadvantaged community (DAC) and either:
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $840 - HEEHRA Rebate - Multifamily Heat Pump Clothes Dryer
- Only available to multifamily properties.
- Contractor must be TECH-enrolled and HEEHRA-trained.
- No new construction, retrofits only.
- Equipment must be ENERGY STAR® certified.
- Heat Pump Clothes Dryer = $840
Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for:
- Owners of multifamily properties in California, which include five or more residential units and house income-qualified customers.
- Governmental, commercial, or nonprofit organizations carrying out a project for an owner of an eligible multifamily property.
- Low-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤80 percent AMI and:
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
- at least 66 percent of occupied living units are at or below 80 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Moderate-income multifamily properties are categorized as households with an income that is ≤150 percent AMI. The moderate-income multifamily properties must be in a Senate Bill 535 disadvantaged community (DAC) and either:
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
OR - at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, as verified by individual household income documentation, evidence of Section 8, and/or proxy documentation of categorical eligibility.
HEEHRA rebates are funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), are overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by the California Energy Commission. TECH Clean California is administering the first phase of the HEEHRA Program.
- at least 50 percent of occupied living units are at or below 150 percent AMI, where clearly listed on a TECH-HEEHRA approved Federal, State, or Local Deed Restriction/Regulatory Agreement.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $1,100 - $5,300 per unit - Rebate on Heat Pump Water Heater and Electrical Upgrades
For NorCal customers, please confirm you are a customer of one of the electric utilities referenced in the “Other Criteria” tab:
$1,100 for < 55 gallon
$1,800 for > 55 gallon
For SoCal customers, please confirm you are a customer of one of the electric utilities referenced in the “Other Criteria” tab:
$3,100 for < 55 gallon
$3,800 for > 55 gallon
Eligible incentives:
Any customers whose homes don’t fall within the California Plumbing Code (Chapter 5, Table 501.1(2) in 2022 California Plumbing Code - e.g. homes with 7+ bedrooms or 4+ bathrooms, etc.) are not eligible. Work with your contractor to determine if your home meets this code prior to moving forward with the installation.
Heat Pump Water Heater Incentive: See rate based on utility provider above
Electrical upgrade incentive - $2,000 (capped at 50% of reported electrical costs, see “Other Criteria” tab for list of eligible upgrades)
Low-GWP Kicker Incentive: $1,500
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save up to $4,185 per unit - TECH Clean California - Small Multifamily Unitary and Central Heat Pump Water Heater
- Only available to Small Multifamily properties, retrofits impacting 10 or less units
- Must be a TECH-enrolled contractor
- Project must be a non-heat pump to heat pump installation
- No new construction, retrofits only
- Customer must enroll in demand response (DR) program
- Customer must enroll in time-of-use (TOU) program
- Equipment Requirements
Unitary HPWH- Must be JA13 compliant per the California Energy Commission (CEC) and either:
A) NEEA residential HPWH with EcoPort OR
B) ENERGY STAR Residential WH V4 (or later) with Connected Capability
Central HPWH
- Equipment Requirements:
A) Standard Central Equipment must be approved and included in CBECC
B)Unitary or ganged-together unitary Central equipment must be JA13 compliant or ENERGY STAR Commercial WH V 2.0 (or later)
Equity Eligibility Requirements- 2-4 unit properties must submit an Occupant Based Annual Income through the CCES TECH Income Verification Portal.
- 5-10+ unit properties/projects, applicants must submit a Property Deed Restriction at time of reservation application, showing that at least 80% of the benefitting units are ≤ 60% AMI.
- Unitary HPWH:
- $3,100 to $4,185 per unit for replacing existing multifamily water heaters with unitary heat pumps statewide. Additional incentives from $2,000 to $4,000 are available to support electrical upgrades
- Central HPWH:
- $900 to $1,000 per kilowatt hour (kWh) statewide for replacing existing multifamily central water heaters with central heat pumps. Additional incentives of $200 per kWh are available for equipment that use refrigerants with a global warming potential of 150 or less.
Budget- Small Multifamily Projects: $600,000, with $400,000 allocated to equity and $200,000 allocated to market rate projects. There is a hard contractor incentive cap of $90,000 across all small multifamily projects.
- Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $700/kWh - $900/kWh - Rebate on Large Commercial Heat Pump Water Heater
1. Must be a TECH-enrolled contractor
2. Project must be a non-heat pump to heat pump installation
3. No new construction, retrofits only.
4. Customer must enroll in demand response (DR) programBuilding Type - Statewide RebateStatewide Rebate
Save $3,100 - $4,600 per unit - TECH Clean California - Small Business Unitary HPWH
1. Must be a TECH-enrolled contractor
2. Project must be a non-heat pump to heat pump installation
3. No new construction, retrofits only.
4. Customer must enroll in demand response (DR) program
5. Customer must enroll in time-of-use (TOU) programBuilding Type - Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $500-$750 per dwelling unit - Rebate on Heat Pump Water Heater
Multifamily building project scope must include 3 or more energy efficiency or electrification measures. Bonus rebate of up to $1000 for each heat pump installed. This incentive can be used in combination with the TECH Clean California incentive.
3C-REN incentives are only valid for residents in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura.
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $500-$750 per dwelling unit - Rebate on Heat Pumps, Ductless (mini-split)
Multifamily building project scope must include 3 or more energy efficiency or electrification measures. Bonus rebate of up to $1000 for each heat pump installed. This incentive can be used in combination with the TECH Clean California incentive.
3C-REN incentives are only valid for residents in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura.
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $1,300 - $5,000 - Rebate on Heat Pump Water Heater
Single Family Incentive - with verified savings of 175 therms (1,230 kWh increase). Incentives are paid to program-enrolled contractors/aggregators.
3C-REN incentives are only valid for residents in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura.
Must qualify as a Hard-to-Reach or Priority Ventura County Customer under program rules
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $1,700 - $7,500 - Rebate on Heat Pumps, Ducted (central air, HVAC)
Single Family Incentive -with verified savings of 225 therms (2,109 kWh increase). Incentives are paid to program-enrolled contractors/aggregators.
3C-REN incentives are only valid for residents in the Counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura.
Must qualify as a Hard-to-Reach or Priority Ventura County Customer under program rules
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $1,500 per unit - Rebate on Heat Pump Water Heater
New Energy Star certified heat pump water heater
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $1,500 per unit - Rebate on Panel Upgrades
Applicable when upgrading your panel, and switching at least one gas powered appliance for an electric powered appliance.
A customer must be electrifying to heat pump space heating or heat pump water heating.
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $1,500 per unit - Rebate on Heat Pumps, Ducted (central air, HVAC)
The heat pump must have a 15 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating or higher and an 8.5 HSPF (Heat Seasonal Performance Factor) or higher. Heat Pump HVAC systems must be NEW, installed, and used at your AMP residence. New construction is not eligible.
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $50 per Thermostat - Rebate on Smart Thermostat
A smart thermostat must be new and replace an existing manual or programmable thermostat. A smart thermostat must be installed and connected to Wi-Fi. AMP’s rebate is only applicable to customers on the D1H rate schedule.
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $200 per ton - Rebate on Heat Pumps, Ducted (central air, HVAC)
SEER ≥ 15
EER ≥ 12.5
ENERGY STAR certified
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $200 per ton - Rebate on Heat Pumps, Ductless (mini-split)
SEER ≥ 15
EER ≥ 12.5
ENERGY STAR certified
- Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save $2,500 per household - Rebate on Home Battery
UL Certified systems with minimum of 5kwh capacity - Utility RebateUtility Rebate
Save 50% of repair cost (Up to $300) - Rebate on Insulation and Ductwork
Must already have a central electric heating or cooling system